Hello Fellow Compass Catholic facilitators and leaders,
I recently finished my first Faith & Money Matters Bible Study at my church here outside of Milwaukee Wisconsin. The spirit gave me two fellow retired parishioners looking to answer the question “What is God’s will in my daily finances?”
I had shared some of my musings with Camila, Compass Catholic's Operations Coordinator, and she planted the seed that maybe I should share with our greater Compass Catholic community. So here I am!!
Recognizing that we are days aways from our Lenten season, I thought I would share my lessons learned from my experiences and how I intend to apply them and hear God’s will as exemplified through the life of Jesus in my life this Lent.
God will provide
For the last 9 months, I have been posting content, getting bulletin and pulpit announcements and making myself available after masses readying myself for potential attendees. I had 2 attendees. Clearly disappointed, I had the choice to mire in a number, my lofty expectations and hear the proverbial wah-wah sound in my head OR be content and work with what God had provided. I did choose the latter with the help of the Holy Spirit and my wife but I have to admit, the former would have been easier.
Lord, I long to do Your will, give me the persistence and resilience to keep listening and hearing Your will for me as I pursue this ministry.
Accept where others are at
I’m not understanding why more people aren't interested. I get a lot of comments of “thanks for doing this” and “this is really needed” but it wasn’t showing up like I was making a difference. I realized this money and faith thing is hard and requires a time commitment that people don't want to make. How can I, in smaller ways, help convey to others God’s will for their finances?
Lord, give me the right impactful and concise words to use when presented with an opportunity to share faithful and truth inspired money insight?
Continue to listen for Your will
People who know me know that I am a relentless planner. I always have a plan. And I have plans if those plans don't work out! This ministry has challenged my planning tendency. I know the material is strong in both its biblical references and context of God’s will and the basic financial principles (which in many cases are truly spirit filled!). I had plans on how to share the material. In the end, I am simply a tool, a error-prone human attempting to convey Godly principles. I need to give myself a break. Listen more. Plan less.
Heavenly Father, despite well intentions, help me slow down and listen for Your will for this ministry or any other that You inspire me to take on.

Friends, I pray for you in this ministry to let God provide, take our fellow friends where they are on their faith journey and listen for how God is talking to you!
Peace and Every Good,
Randy Ratkowski