“He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick—no food, no sack, no money in their belts.” – Mark 6:8

In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus offers a profound lesson to his apostles: travel light. His command to carry nothing but a walking stick highlights a crucial spiritual principle—when we are free from the burden of material possessions, we can fully focus on our mission.
The Weight of Possessions
In today’s society, we are constantly bombarded with messages telling us that happiness, fulfillment, and success are tied to the things we own. Our culture is fixated on accumulating “stuff,” often at the expense of our spiritual well-being and relationship with God. The world insists that more possessions will bring us contentment, but as many have discovered, the satisfaction from material things is fleeting. As soon as the excitement of a new purchase fades, we find ourselves chasing the next item, hoping it will fill the void.
True Contentment Comes from God
The truth is, only God can provide the deep, lasting joy and contentment we seek. This idea may seem countercultural, especially when we are surrounded by advertisements encouraging us to buy more. Yet, as the Apostle Paul reminds us in his letter to the Philippians, contentment is something we must learn. Instead of accumulating more possessions in an attempt to satisfy our desires, we should turn to God, who promises to meet all our needs.
A Balanced Perspective on Material Things
It’s important to note that having material possessions is not inherently wrong. As Christians, we believe in a God who took on flesh and lived among us. This means we cannot have a negative attitude toward material things. However, the problem arises when our possessions become more important than our mission to share the gospel. Too often, we become so focused on acquiring and maintaining our belongings—our homes, cars, gadgets, and luxuries—that we lose sight of our true purpose.
Focus on the Mission, Not the Stuff
Jesus instructed his disciples to keep their focus on their mission, not their possessions. This directive is just as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago. Our mission as believers is to share God’s word with everyone we meet, and to do that effectively, we must be willing to travel light—both physically and spiritually.
We were created by God to grow, move, and embark on the great adventure of life. However, the more we accumulate, the less freedom we have to follow where God leads us. Instead of being adventurers on a divine journey, we risk becoming mere caretakers of our material wealth.
Final Reflections
As you reflect on your own life, consider what might be weighing you down. Are there possessions or habits that distract you from your spiritual mission? It may be time to reassess your priorities and embrace the freedom that comes from traveling light.
This reflection was inspired by my morning reading and I felt compelled to share it with you. The quotes included in this post are from “The Little Burgundy Book: Six-minute reflections on Stewardship in light of the Gospel of Mark,” based on the writings and homilies of Bishop Ken Utener.
Let us all strive to keep our focus on our faith and our mission, trusting that God will provide all the joy and satisfaction we could ever desire.