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Achieve Financial Wellness with Personalized Money Coaching


Ready for Personalized Financial Guidance?

Just finished one of our Bible Studies and need more tailored advice? Proverbs 27:17 tells us, “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Our Compass Catholic Money Coaches are here to help you create and achieve your financial goals!


Why Choose Compass Catholic Money Coaching?

No matter where you are on your financial discipleship journey, our Money Coaches can help you formulate action and accountability plans. Our coaches are trained to assist you with:

  • Creating a Spending Plan

  • Paying Off Debt

  • Weathering a Financial Storm

  • Prioritizing Your Goals

Support Compass Catholic's Money Coaching Ministry!

Many of our clients are not able to afford coaching services but we will never turn anyone away due to their inability to pay. Please consider donating.

You can make the difference in someone’s financial discipleship journey!


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